Terms of use



This website was created and developed to provide informative content and to advertise cultural information. The COMPANY aims, through high quality content creation developed by its team, to provide content to everyone, as well as advertising its own services.

The content is periodically updated; however, it may contain in some article, video, or image, some information that does not reflect the truth. The COMPANY will not be responsible in any way, or any means, for any content that is not duly updated.

It’s the user’s responsibility to use all present information on the website with critical sense, using it only as a source of information, and always consulting industry specialists when solving a conflict.


This Term specifies and demands that any user, when accessing the COMPANY’s website, read and understand all of its clauses, since it stablishes rights and obligations between COMPANY and GUEST, expressively accepted by the GUEST to continue to browse the COMPANY’s website.

By continuing to access the website, the GUEST expresses that they accept all clauses, as well as they completely agree with all of them, being it essential to their permanence on the website. In case the GUEST disagrees with any clause or term within this contract, the guest must stop browsing the website in any way and mean immediately.

This term may and will be periodically updated by the COMPANY, which has the right to change, without any kind of previous notice or communication. It is important that the GUEST always check if there have been any change, and which was the latest update of the website in the beginning of the webpage.


This term may contain some specific words that may not be of general knowledge. Among them:

GUEST: Each and any guest of the website, in any way or mean, who access the website or any other platform of the company through the computer, notebook, tablet, cellphone, or any other device.

BROWSING: The act of accessing webpages and content from the website or other platforms from the company.

COOKIES: Small text files automatically managed through the website and transmitted to the guest’s browser, used to improve the guest usability.

LOGIN: Guest’s access data when registering to the COMPANY, divided into user and password, which grants access to the restricted functionalities of the website.

HYPERLINKS: Clickable links that may appear throughout the website or content, and lead to other webpages of the COMPANY, or to an external website.

OFFLINE: When the website or the platform is unavailable, being impossible to access it externally by any user.

In case of doubts on any word used within this term, the GUEST must contact the COMPANY thorough the contact channels listed on the website.


The website and the platform normally work 24/7 (24 hours a day), however there might be some brief temporary interruptions for adjustments, maintenance, server changes, technical faults, or by greater force, which may turn the website unavailable for a limited period.

The COMPANY is not responsible for any loss of missed opportunities or losses that this temporary unavailability may cause to users.

In case of maintenance that demand more time, the COMPANY will previously inform the clients of the necessity and the time frame predicted in which the website or platform will be offline.

In case it’s needed to register on the platform, in which the GUEST may fill in a form with data and information, so they may have access to a restricted part of the website, or make a purchase.

All data are protected by the General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR, and by registering on the website, the GUEST completely agrees with the collect of data as stablished by the Law and the Privacy Policy of the COMPANY.


The guest will be able to access the entire content of the website, such as articles, videos, images, products, and services. However, it doesn’t mean there is any assignment of rights, or license to use or to copy said content.

All rights are kept according to the Brazilian law, mainly the Copyright Law (regulated on Law number 9.610/18), as well as on the Brazilian Penal Code (regulated on Law number 10.406/02), or any other applicable legislation.

All content from the website is protected by copyright, and its use, copy, transmission, sale, assignment, or resale, must abide by Brazilian legislation. The COMPANY holds copyrights, and it doesn’t allow the copy or use of the content in any way, if there is no written or express authorization for it.

The COMPANY, in certain cases, may allow exceptions to this right, which will be clearly specified with a license to use the protected content. This right is revocable and limited to the specifications of each situation.


By using the COMPANY’s website, the GUEST fully agrees with:

In any way or mean committing any kind of action that tries to breach, hack, destroy or harm the structure of the website, platform of the COMPANY or its commercial partners. Including, but not limited to, sending a computer virus, attacks to DDOS, inappropriate access due to faults or in any other means.

Not inappropriately advertising, on the website’s comments, SPAM content, competing companies, virus, content with no copyright or any other content that is not pertinent to a discussion on that text, video, or image.

The prohibition of the propagation of any content from the website or platform with no express consent. It may lead to civil or criminal charges for it.

The website’s Privacy Policy, as well as how we treat data concerning registration and access to the website, being possible of requesting, at any time, the deletion of the data through a contact form.


The COMPANY may rent or sell advertising slots on the platform, or on the website, directly to the advertisers, or through specialized companies, such as AdSense (Google), Taboola, or other advertising platforms.

These ads don’t mean the COMPANY endorses or is responsible for them. The GUEST is responsible for shopping, visits, access, or any other actions concerning these companies.

All ads on the website or the platform are clearly highlighted as advertisement, as a way of disclaimer for the COMPANY and acknowledgement of the GUEST.

These ads may be automatically selected by the advertisement company, according to recent access from the GUEST, as well as it might be based on its search history, according to the access policies of the platform.


The website will have hyperlinks throughout its access, which might lead directly to another COMPANY’s webpage or to external websites.

Even though the COMPANY only creates hyperlinks to extremely trustworthy external websites, in case the user accesses the external website, the COMPANY is in no manner responsible for it, being it just an indication of complementary content, therefore, the user is responsible for the access and any other actions taken on that website.

If there are any judicial conflict between the GUEST and the COMPANY, the selected forum for the action will be the one in the Company’s jurisdiction, even if there is a more privileged one.

Last update date: 01/21/2022